In diesem Bereich finden Sie Applikations-Videos, Applikationsbeispiele und Applikationsberichte, die Ihnen einen Eindruck vermitteln sollen, wie unsere Messgeräte & -techniken in Forschung und Industrie eingesetzt werden können. Außerdem finden Sie in unserer Wissensdatenbank ausführliche und einfach zu verstehende Erklärungen zu den wichtigsten Begriffen und Messtechniken und unsere umfangreiche Literaturliste gibt Ihnen einen Anhaltspunkt für ihre eigenen Recherchen. In unserer Normensammlung finden Sie Informationen zu den Normgerechten Messungen, die mit unseren Messgeräten durchgeführt werden können.
Hier finden Sie unsere Applikations-Videos. Diese zeigen Ihnen kompakt an einem Beispiel, wie unsere Produkte eingesetzt werden können.
PCA 200 Vorstellungs-Video
Adhäsion von Wasser auf Pflanzenblättern
Abrollen von Wasser
Automatisierte Bestimmung der Oberflächenenergie
Grundlegende Tensiometrie mit einem Du Noüy Ring
Spinning Drop Tensiometer
Pikoliter-Dosiersystem PDDS
MultiScan Vorstellungs-Video
Oszillierender Pendant Drop Methode
Multifunktionales Elektronisches Spritzenmodul
Langmuir-Trog-Modul für Tensiometer
Wer kann Ihnen einen besseren Eindruck davon geben, wie man unsere Messgeräte in Industrie und Forschung einsetzen kann, als unsere Kunden selbst? Hier finden Sie ein paar Beispiele für Veröffentlichungen, die Mithilfe unserer Messtechnik entstanden sind.
Mit den folgenden Auswahlkästchen können Sie die Applikationsbeispiele nach benutztem Gerätetyp und Messtechnik bzw. Thema filtern:
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MultiScan: dispersion stability
One-click stability evaluation
Predicting shelf-life based on ISO/TR 13097 standard
MultiScan: particle sizing
Unique particle size with blue and infrared light
ZPA: isoelectric point
Surface potential and isoelectric point of ion-exchange membranes
Comparing backscattering intensity using blue and IR light sources
Particle size distribution of polystyrene suspension
MultiScan: phase seperation
Phase separation behaviour of microemulsions
ZPA: isoelectric point and surface potential
Surface potential and isoelectric point of polyester fibres
Surface potential and isoelectric point of glass fibres
Surface potential and isoelectric point of wafers
OCA: Kontaktwinkel
Nachweis von Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs)
SVT: interfacial tension
Interfacial measurements of brine and crude oil
MultiScan: stability and kinetics
Stability and kinetics of fast-breaking foam
OCA: contact angle
Water contact angle on surface treated polymer films (ASTM D5946)
MultiScan: tempering process
Tempering process of chocolate to understand the effect of the cooling rate on its quality
Contact angle and absorption processes on wettable and non-wettable powders
DCAT: interfacial tension
Interfacial tension of insulating liquids against water (ASTM D971)
MultiScan: stability analysis
Gelation process during yogurt formation at different temperatures
Particle sizing using sedimentation rate - tested with polystyrene-water-suspensions
Extending the limits of EOR surfactant research
SVT: interfacial tension and viscoelastic modulus
Foam flooding - extending the limits of EOR
OCA: cell culture medium
How the OCA can help the fight against cancer
DCAT: wettability studies
How tensiometric measurements can improve battery technology
Studying contact angles at high temperatures
HGC: temperature and moisture control
Temperature and moisture control for development of environmentally adaptive materials
PDDS: surface behaviour
Surface active bahaviour of fragrances
ZPA: Tensid Adsorption
Zeta Potential Analyse mit iszillierender Elektrolösung
SPA: particle distribution
Coffee ring effect - particle distribution after a suspension evaporates
OCA: oil absorption
Characterizing new materials for selective oil absorption
OCA: surface chemical properties
Optimizing the surface chemical properties of gas diffusion layers
DCAT: surface tension
Quantifying the effect of sizing formulation on fibre strength
OCA: force measurement
Adhesive force measurements to characterize superhydrophobic surfaces
OCA: surface characterization
How contact angle measurements can help explore mars
DCAT: surface chemistry
Comparison of different methods to analyse contact lens surface chemistry
MultiScan: emulsion stability
Determining pH effects on emulsion stability
MultiScan: polymer precipitation
Finding cloud point of polymer solutions
OCA: rose petal effect
Quantifying the differences between rose petal and lotus leaf surfaces
Equipment for Challenging IFT Measurements
OCA: fossil preservation
Developing new formulations for fossil preservation
DCAT: wettability of singe fibres
Assessing the wettability of single fibers by tensiometry
OCA, DCAT: natural fibres
Utilizing tensiometric measurements to understand sorption kinetics of natural fibers
OCA: wettbaility changes
Quantifying humidity-induces wettability change
OCA: wettbaility studies
How contact angles help to understand molten volcanic ash wetting in jet engines
OCA: interfacial rheology
Outstanding equipment for surfactant development
OCA: separator materials
How contact angle measurements can help to develop overheat protections for lithium ion batteries
OCA: utilize waste
Characterizing new building materials based on recycled tires
OCA: interfacial tension
Optimizing foams by dynamic interfacial tension analysis
Understanding how the surface chemistry of particle bound drugs can influence their uptake
Developing coated fertilizers for controlled urea release
OCA: single fibres
Developing multifunctional textiles inspired by polar bear fur
Surface characterization at precisely controlled environmental conditions
OCA: microfluidic devises
Characterizing new materials for microfluidic devices
OCA: wettability
Fine-tuning the wettability of biomaterials
Quantifying weathering induced changes of paint on wood
Development of new 3D printing materials
Understanding superhydrophobic coatings with infrared-reflective properties for textile applications
DCAT: force measurements
Gas bubble adhesive force measurements on nanostructured coper electrodes under liquid
OCA: wettability changes
Quantifying wettability changes induced by hierarchical structures on paper
DCAT: critical micelle concentration
Determining the critical micelle concentration for biosurfactant
DCAT: adhesive force measurements
Quantifying droplet/bubble adhesion to a solid surface in air/under liquid
Quantifying liquid metal adhesion by adhesive force measurements
OCA: contact angel
The roll-off angle as a measure to characterize self-cleaning surfaces
Gas bubble adhesive force measurements on nanostructured electrodes under liquid
OCA: dynamic wetting behavior
Dynamic wetting studies on kingfisher feathers
Fine-tuning the wettability of biocompatible materials through micropatterns
OCA: wetting behaviour
Characterizing the wetting behaviour of biomimetic surfaces with hierarchical structures
OCA: surface properties
Measuring surface properties that influence optical lenses
Understanding the effects of hydrophilicity on biocompatibility
Determination of the ultra-low interfacial tension
Stability Analysis of Temperature-Sensitive Cutting Fluids
OCA: protein adsorption
Developing surfaces that suppress protein adsorption
OCA: surface energy analysis
Surface Energy Analysis of Dental Implants after Plasma Activation
Interfacial rheology for determination of functional food properties
DCAT: Imaginary Contact Angles
Measuring Imaginary Dynamic Contact Angles on Dental Implants
OCA: surface energy
Surface Energy determination on thin wires using picolitre drops
Stability study of a pesticide formulation
PDDS: Oberflächenenergie
Oberflächenenergiebestimmung auf einen Klick
MultiScan: coating slurries
Stability study of battery coating slurries
Contact angle measurement of lipstick
Stability study of a commercial protein shake
Verification of treatment effects on different polymer substrates
Stability analysis of latex emulsions with ultra-slow sedimentation rate
DCAT: Oberflächenspannung
Untersuchung der Haftung verschiedener Klebstoffe
OCA: electrode wettability
Tuning electrode wettability to improve CO2 reduction efficiency
Stability Analysis of Whey Based Beverages
OCA; HGC: contact angle
Measuring Contact Angles on Leaves at Different Relative Humidity
Measuring with at least three test liquids for Surface Energy analysis
Quantifying the dispersion stability of medicinal suspensions
Measuring Dynamic Contact Angles on Hydrophobic Materials via Tilting Base Method
Determination of Heavy Fuel Oil Stability and Compatibility
OCA: absorption measurement
Absorption Measurements of Water Droplets on Filter Membranes
Stability Analysis of Seasoning Oil Mixtures
Evaluating the wettability at different temperatures using engine oils
Stability Analysis of Electroplating Formulations
Validating artificial biosurface materials
DCAT: surface energy
Determining the Surface Energy of Powders via Washburn Method
OCA: contact angle and adhesive force measurement
Quantifying the suppression of droplet adhesion
Temperature Dependent Stability Analysis of Polymer Emulsions
Evaluation of Beer Foam Stability
DCAT: imaginary contact angles
Effectiveness of Surface Treatment Techniques for Dental Implants
Stability Analysis of Ink Formulations
Stability Study of of a Temperature-Responsive Hydrogel
Stability Analysis of Milk substitute Products
Hier stellen wir Ihnen eine Auswahl von Applikationsberichten zur Verfügung. Für einige beispielhafte Anwendungen unserer Messgeräte erhalten Sie hier erste Informationen. Eine weitaus größere Auswahl an Literatur zum Thema Grenzflächenchemie finden Sie in unserer Literaturliste.
Wetting Envelope
Eine zuverlässige Wissensquelle ist oft entscheidend auf dem Weg zum Erfolg eines Projektes. Weil aber ein Einzelner nie alles wissen kann, stellt Ihnen DataPhysics Instruments auf dieser Seite eine Auswahl wichtiger Standardliteratur zur Kolloid- und Grenzflächenchemie bereit. Außerdem bieten wir Ihnen eine umfangreiche Liste mit Oberflächenspannungen von Flüssigkeiten und Oberflächenenergien von Festkörpern als PDF Download an.
Applikationszentrumfile_download Applikationsbericht 01file_download Applikationsbericht 03file_download Applikationsbericht 04file_download Applikationsbericht 05file_download Applikationsbericht 06file_download Applikationsbericht 11file_download Applikationsbericht 12file_download Applikationsbericht 13file_download Applikationsbericht 15file_download Applikationsbericht 16file_download Applikationsbericht 17file_download Applikationsbericht 19file_download Applikationsbericht 20file_download Applikationsbericht 21file_download Applikationsbericht 22file_download Applikationsbericht 23file_download Applikationsbericht 24file_download Applikationsbericht 30file_download Oberflächenspannungenfile_download
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