The Windows® based DCATSoftware is available in various independently usable modules, and is operable either traditionally, using mouse and keyboard, or on multi- touch notebooks/pads by finger or pen. The modern user interface is multilingual (English, German, Chinese), highly customisable and offers every user an individual and ideally suited overview during measurements.
The comprehensive integrated help function includes explanations for the measurement procedures and used calculations and supports the user in setting up measurement parameters. With previously created measurement templates “1-click-measurements” can be easily carried out and the automatic storage of every measurement ensures that no data is lost. Individually designed measurement reports present all results in the best possible way.
The DCATS is split into the following separately available modules:
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The DCATS 31 module enables the measurement of the surface and interfacial tension using Wilhelmy plates and Du Noüy rings.
Main features:
Determination of the surface tension according to the Du Noüy ring method with DCATS 31
With the DCATS 32 module and suitable sample holders dynamic contact angles can be measured on various solids like plates, films, powders, fibre bundles and even single fibres. Based on the measured contact angles the surface energy of the solid can be determined.
Determination of the contact angle hysteresis with DCATS 32
With the DCATS 33 software module the critical micelle formation concentration (CMC) can be determined automatically with a tensiometer of the DCAT series and a liquid dosing unit LDU 25. The DCATS 33 software module controls the LDU 25 and the DCAT according to individually customisable measuring procedures. The software module can automatically determine the surface tension via the Du Noüy ring or the Wilhelmy plate method, perform the dosing operations with the LDU 25 and mix the solution with the automatic stirrer.
Determination of the critical micelle formation concentration (CMC) with DCATS 33
With the DCATS 34 module the density of liquids can be determined using a density determination set DIS 11.
With the DCATS 35 module penetration and sedimentation experiments are possible using a penetrometer probe or sedimentation cone, respectively.
Determination of the particle size distribution with DCATS 35
With the DCATS 36 module the density of solids can be determined using a determination set for solids.
With the DCATS 37 module force-distance diagrams for the analysis of the adhesive force can be measured. Furthermore the software module enables the measurement and analysis of video sequences, using the upgrade video system UpVideo DCAT.
Adhesive force measurement with DCATS 37
The DCATS 38 module enables the analysis of monolayers in a Langmuir trough module LTM.
Determination of the surface pressure with DCATS 38
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