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Seminars DataPhysics Instruments Logo


Today many innovative products are based on the understanding of surface and interfacial phenomena and of the associated physico-chemical properties of the material. Two examples are water-repelling wall paint and functional surfaces. Hence, in many industries it has become an essential part of the R&D activities to characterize the properties of surfaces and interfaces.

DataPhysics Instruments is a leading manufacturer offering high-end measuring instruments for studying interfaces and surfaces. However, not only do we provide excellent tools, we also help you use them in the optimal way. For this purpose we offer a diverse range of advanced trainings.

In the following you find more information on our practice-oriented overview seminar Modern Measurement Techniques for Surface Chemistry. Furthermore you can find comprehensible descriptions of important terminology and measuring techniques in our knowledge base and a comprehensive list of well quoted literature.

As experts in the field of interfacial measuring techniques we are keen to share our knowledge with you. After all our motto is not an empty promise:

Understanding Interfaces

We are glad to help you with this matter!

Seminar room in the DataPhysics Instruments training center


In our practice oriented seminar Modern Measurement Techniques for Surface Chemistry we provide you compactly, within two days, with an overview over different methods and measurement techniques used to analyze surfaces and interfaces. This benefits beginners and experienced users alike. Take the opportunity to broaden your horizon and learn about new developments and alternate methods or to discuss your procedure with our experts.

Our seminar is aimed at everybody who wants to get an overview of the state-of-the-art measurement techniques for surface analysis. No matter if you are already working in the field and want to discuss your methods with our experts, or if you are interested in how your surface chemistry questions could be approached – in our seminar you benefit by extending your fundamental knowledge and by learning how to practically deal with applied experimental aspects.

The seminar fee is 250,- € plus VAT, for students reduced to 190,- € plus VAT, and covers seminar documentation, snacks and drinks during breaks, lunch and the seminar dinner on the evening of the first seminar day. As an early bird you can book the seminar for the students fee and safe 24% if you register until 2 months before the seminar.

Seminar participant discussing with DataPhysics Instruments expert

Seminar dates

Contact us on individual device trainings and seminars that can be held online or in person.