Effects of interface area changes
There must be enough surface-active particles or molecules in the system for the following considerations to apply. In other words: the critical micelle concentration must be reached. The following section does not apply to systems with concentrations below the critical micelle concentration, as in this case there are too few surface-active particles or molecules to saturate the interface.
Surface-active particles or molecules adsorb preferentially at the interface, i.e., they attach themselves to the interface and form a layer there. In the equilibrium state, these molecules or particles occupy a certain space at the interface and have an average distance from each other. The resulting equilibrium interfacial concentration c0 with its specific interfacial tension σ0 is characteristic of the system.
If the size of the available interface changes, e.g., by changing the volume of a droplet or by shifting barriers along the interface, surfactants react to this shift. In detail, the concentration of the surface-active particles or molecules at the interface changes temporarily. Accordingly, there is also a temporary change in the interfacial tension between the phases before the characteristic concentration c0 and interfacial tension σ0 are restored.
What happens in detail when the interface is changed? If the interface is reduced in size, the concentration of the active particles at the interface increases; they are squeezed together
. In response, the system now restores the concentration equilibrium c0 by desorption. During desorption, the excess
of surface-active molecules or particles at the interface is released into the phase. As long as the molecules are "crowded" at the interface, the interfacial tension decreases. During desorption, the interfacial tension increases until it finally reaches the system-specific equilibrium σ0 again.
If the interface is enlarged, the interfacial concentration decreases - the individual surfactant particles or molecules now have more space. The state of equilibrium is restored by adsorption, i.e., the attachment of further surface-active molecules or particles to the interface. If the interface is enlarged, the interfacial tension initially increases. As new molecules or particles are adsorbed onto the interface, the interfacial tension decreases until it finally reaches the system-specific equilibrium σ0 again (see Figure 2).
The reaction of the surface-active components to the altered interface can occur at different speeds. The speed at which the change takes place depends on factors such as the mobility and concentration of the surfactants within the phases and the interfacial tension between the phases.