Stability of Dispersions Explained DataPhysics Instruments Logo

Stability of Dispersions Explained

Figure 1: Emulsions such as oil-in-water are often unstable without the addition of stabilizers. This means that smaller drops of oil combine to form larger drops over time. This process is called coalescence.

Figure 1: Emulsions such as oil-in-water are often unstable without the addition of stabilizers. This means that smaller drops of oil combine to form larger drops over time. This process is called coalescence.

Dispersion stability describes how long a dispersion retains its original properties. Over time, various destabilization mechanisms change the particle distribution in a dispersion. In practice, the study and determination of these processes is crucial if dispersions are to be stored for long periods without changing their properties.

How can the stability of dispersions be studied?

Dispersions are heterogeneous systems consisting of at least two immiscible phases. The stability of these systems describes how long a dispersion retains its original properties during storage, also known as storage stability.

Scientists, laboratory personnel, and product developers often investigate the stability of dispersions using a "shelf-life test". Samples are stored in specified storage conditions to study when destabilization processes become visible. These tests are often carried out with the naked eye, making them subjective and only partially comparable. In addition, it often takes time for changes in the dispersion to become visible to the naked eye.

An alternative is an optical stability analysis using a dispersion stability analysis system such as the MultiScan MS 20 from DataPhysics Instruments. Such a system can detect even the smallest changes in the dispersion. The accompanying software quantifies the results and makes them comparable.

Which processes can affect the stability of dispersions?

Figure 2: During creaming, disperse components of lower density rise. During sedimentation, disperse components of higher density sink.

Several destabilization processes can occur in dispersions, causing changes and affecting their stability. Important destabilization processes include sedimentation, creaming, coalescence, agglomeration, and aggregation.

Sedimentation and creaming occur due to gravity and the difference in density of the various dispersion components. Denser ("heavier") particles or droplets sink to the bottom, forming sediments and contributing to phase separation. The two processes are shown schematically in Figure 2.

Less dense ("lighter") components rise in the continuous phase, a process known as creaming. Creaming occurs, for example, in dispersions containing oil droplets immersed in water. The speed of sedimentation or creaming essentially depends on the difference in density between the disperse and continuous phases, the particle or droplet size and the viscosity of the continuous phase.

Coalescence is a process in which droplets or particles of the disperse phase merge with each other (see Figure 3). This is due to the so-called Brownian motion, which causes collisions between dispersed droplets or particles. During those collisions, the dispersed particles fuse and form a larger compound. The initial particles are then indistinguishable from each another. This process leads to a gradual increase in particle or droplet size and can subsequently accelerate destabilization processes such as sedimentation.

Agglomeration and aggregation are similar processes and are often used interchangeably in the literature, because they are difficult to distinguish experimentally. In agglomeration, dispersed particles or droplets form loose clusters through weak attractive forces such as van der Waals forces, while remaining identifiable as individual components (see Figure 3). These clusters can typically be broken up by mechanical influences such as shaking the dispersion.

In aggregation, multiple droplets or particles form clusters that are held together by stronger forces such as hydrogen bonding, making them harder to separate (see Figure 3). However, there is no complete fusion as in coalescence. Both agglomeration and aggregation can be promoted by a higher salt content in the solution, which weakens the repulsive electrostatic forces between the components.

Figure 3: Coalescence is a process by which dispersed components merge to form a coherent unit. Agglomeration or aggregation is a process by which dispersed components form loose clusters.

These are the most common processes affecting the stability of dispersions. In addition to these processes, there are others such as Ostwald ripening, dehydration, and phase separation by gelation or crystallization. These may occur simultaneously or sequentially. External factors or environmental conditions, such as pH and temperature, can also affect the stability of dispersions and should therefore be controlled in experimental set-ups.

Why is investigating the stability of dispersions important?

The stability of dispersions is critical in many areas, including the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, environmental, and paint industries. Ensuring that dispersions retain their desired properties during storage and use is essential for the quality, efficacy and safety of products.

Additional substances such as chemical additives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, or thickeners are often used to ensure the long-term stability of dispersions. These substances modify the interactions between particles or droplets, reducing the tendency for aggregation or coalescence. Targeted control of these processes is beneficial in many applications to achieve a desired texture, drug release, taste or appearance. Therefore, continuous research and development is carried out to develop new strategies for stabilizing dispersions to meet the requirements of different applications. In any case, the quantitative analysis of the dispersion stability is essential.

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