The dynamic contact angle measuring devices and force tensiometers of the DCAT series are universal measuring devices, that allow to investigate numerous surface and interfacial properties (see introduction to tensiometry). Due to the compact and modular product design it is possible to find an individual and best suited combination of device model and accessories for any task.
Highest precision and reproducibility of the measuring results is guaranteed by well-established measuring techniques and weighing technology. Due to state of the art electronic components all DCAT models offer an especially fast and precise actuator, an automatic crash protection and can be operated intuitively via the TP 50 control panel.
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Application video: Basic tensiometry using a Du Noüy ring
Application video: Water Adhesion on Plant Leaves
Application video: Langmuir trough module for tensiometers
The DCAT 8 and DCAT 9 are powerful entry level models for the weight-based measurement of surface and interfacial tension and the density of liquids and solids. In order to measure temperature dependent properties the DCAT 8T and DCAT 9T feature an integrated digital thermometer and a liquid temperature control unit TV 70.
The DCATSoftware is available in various independently usable modules. The available software modules for the DCAT 8/9 are:
Learn more about the DCATS modules.
Due to the modular product design the DCAT 8/9 can be combined with a multitude of options of the versatile DCAT accessories range. Learn more about the available accessories.
Determination of the surface tension using a DCAT 9 with Wilhelmy plate PT 11
DCAT 9T with liquid temperature control unit TV 70
The DCAT 15 enables additional measuring methods and hence can be used to determine dynamic contact angles, the surface energy of solids or sedimentation and penetration properties. In addition the DCAT 15 can be extended with a liquid dosing unit LDU 25 and can thus create sequential concentration series of, for example, surfactant solutions. Without manual user intervention the critical micelle concentration (CMC) can be determined software controlled in a series of experiments.
The DCATSoftware is available in various independently usable modules. The available software modules for the DCAT 15 are:
Due to the modular product design the DCAT 15 can be combined with a multitude of options of the versatile DCAT accessories range. Learn more about the available accessories.
DCAT 15 with LDU 25
LDU 25 with SH-LDU and RRS 25
The dynamic contact angle measuring device and force tensiometer DCAT 25 is the multifunctional all-round instrument of the DCAT series. The weighing system is even more precise than that of the DCAT 9 and 15 and hence offers highest accuracy for the determination of surface and interfacial tension. A completely closed sample chamber enables measurements under inert gas or ionized atmosphere as well as with controlled relative humidity.
Due to the longer travel distance of the sample stage, an electrical temperature control unit can be mounted inside the DCAT 25 which makes measurements at temperatures of up to 300 °C possible. Moreover the Langmuir trough module can be used to investigate the surface pressure and the interfacial rheology of monolayers. The upgrade video system provides the opportunity to record video-sequences during force of adhesion measurements and to evaluate contact angle, contact area etc. in addition to the force. The optional TP 50 control panel with touch screen and precision control wheel ensures an intuitive and fast device control even during complex measurements.
The DCATSoftware is available in various independently usable modules. The available software modules for the DCAT 25 are:
Due to the modular product design the DCAT 25 can be combined with a multitude of options of the versatile DCAT accessories range. Learn more about the available accessories.
DCAT 25 with electrical temperature control unit TEC 250/DCAT, temperature controller and TP 50 control panel
DCAT 25 with Peltier temperature control unit TV 50-P, temperature controller TCU and TP 50 control panel
Upgrade video system UpVideo DCAT
The DCAT 25SF incorporates a weighing system of highest accuracy with a resolution of 0.1 μg which allows to measure even on single fibers. As an ideal single fiber force tensiometer the DCAT 25SF is not limited to this very special purpose due to the modular design of the product line.
The DCATSoftware is available in various independently usable modules. The available software modules for the DCAT 25SF are:
Due to the modular product design the DCAT 25SF can be combined with a multitude of options of the versatile DCAT accessories range. Learn more about the available accessories.
Measurement at a fiber with the DCAT 25SF
DCAT brochurefile_download
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